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Russia-Ukraine war – news: Putin trying to lure Cuban fighters into army with contracts worth thousands

Ειδήσεις Ελλάδα

CCTV captures Russian shell landing on Ukrainian market killing at least 16

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Cuban nationals are being offered contracts worth $2,000 (£1,600) a month and potential Russian citizenship to join Vladimir Putin’s forces in the battle for Ukraine.

The targeted campaign, which is also offering citizenship to the families of the Cubans, has come with the objections of the central American country.

Earlier this week, Cuba’s foreign ministry announced it was working to “neutralise and dismantle” a human trafficking ring that is coercing its citizens into fighting for Moscow.

The news comes after at least 16 people were killed and dozens were wounded today when Russian shelling struck a market in a city in eastern Ukraine.

Covered bodies were strewn around the ground of the site of the attack in Kostiantynivka was strewn as emergency workers extinguished fires at market stalls.

Ukrainian prime minister Denys Shmyhal said at least 16 people were killed and at least 28 were wounded, according to internal minister Ihor Klymenko.

US secretary of state Antony Blinken arrived in Kyiv on Wednesday and was expected to announce more than $1 billion in new American funding for Ukraine.

Key PointsShow latest update

1694025712Cubans face ‘human trafficking’ over Russian deals luring them into Ukraine war

Cuban nationals are being offered contracts worth $2,000 (£1,600) a month and potential Russian citizenship for them and their families as part of a targeted campaign to recruit them to fight in Ukraine.

Earlier this week, Cuba’s Foreign Ministry announced it was working to “neutralise and dismantle” a human trafficking ring that is coercing its citizens into fighting for Moscow.

“The Ministry of the Interior… is working on the neutralization and dismantling of a human trafficking network that operates from Russia to incorporate Cuban citizens living there, and even some from Cuba, into the military forces participating in war operations in Ukraine,” the Cuban government statement said.

( 2023 Sputnik)

William Mata6 September 2023 19:41

1694028638US makes £150 milion pledge for Ukraine security assistance

The US has pledged £150 million in security assistance to Ukraine, including depleted uranium ammunition for US Abrams tanks.

The secretary of state Antony Blinken made the gesture on a visit to Kyiv on Wednesday.

His pledges also included over $665 million in new military and civilian security assistance and millions of dollars in support for Ukraine’s air defences and other areas.

( 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

William Mata6 September 2023 20:30

1694026653Antony Blinken promises $1billion in support for Ukraine

US secretary of state Antony Blinken announced new aid for Ukraine totaling more than £795 million in a visit to Kyiv on Wednesday.

The fund will include hundreds of million in new military and civilian security assistance and millions of dollars in support for Ukraine‘s air defences and other areas.

“We will continue to stand by Ukraine‘s side,” Mr Blinken told reporters at a press conference with Ukraine‘s foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba.

President Zelensky greets US Secretary of State Blinken in Kyiv

(Brenden Smialowski via Reuters)

William Mata6 September 2023 19:57

1694019620Zelensky condemns ‘deliberate’ attack

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the strike was deliberate. He has visited the town many times on trips to the front line.

“Those who know this place are well aware that it is a civilian area. There aren’t any military units nearby,” Zelenskyy said during a news conference in Kyiv with visiting Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

He said the strike reflects the situation on the battlefield.

“Whenever there are any positive advances by Ukrainian defense forces in that direction, Russians always target civilian people and civilian objects,” he said.

Ukraine’s minister of internal affairs, Ihor Klymenko reported that emergency workers extinguished the flames that burned an area of 300 square meters (3,200 square feet). Eight market installations and some cars were destroyed.

About 30 pavilions were damaged, along with 20 shops, an administrative building, an apartment building and some power lines, according to Ukraine’s general prosecutor’s office.

The attack came as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Kyiv, where he was expected to announce more than $1 billion in new American funding for Ukraine in the 18-month-old war.

Sam Rkaina6 September 2023 18:00

1694018309‘Why are they trying to destroy Ukraine?’

The Russian missile that struck Wednesday in eastern Ukraine turned an outdoor market into a fiery, blackened ruin where weeping civilians looked for loved ones among the mangled, burned bodies scattered across the ground.

The blast in the town of Kostiantynivka killed 17 people and wounded at least 32 in one of Russia’s deadliest strikes in months, Ukrainian officials said.

“There was no military target here. This is a peaceful neighborhood in the city center,” Stefan Slovak, who lives in Kostiantynivka, said in a trembling voice.

Behind him were the remnants of the market, where charred bodies could be seen in the street, their clothes still burning, near cars engulfed in flames. Behind a market stall holding fresh parsley, rescuers found a women in civilian clothes with her head covered in blood.

“They are shooting at peaceful civilians. Are we soldiers here? Are we shooting at them? No! So why? They are just trying to destroy Ukrainian nation,” said resident Nadezhda Negoda.

Sam Rkaina6 September 2023 17:38

1694011172‘People who did nothing wrong’ victims of market town attack, Zelensky says

Twenty shops, power lines, administrative building and the floor of an apartment building were damaged in the attack in Kostiantynivka , according to the prosecutor general’s office.

“A regular market. Shops. A pharmacy. People who did nothing wrong,” Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky said on his official Telegram channel.

“Those who know this place are well aware that it is a civilian area,” Zelensky said later at a news conference with visiting Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

“There aren’t any military units nearby. The strike was deliberate.”

Maryam Zakir-Hussain6 September 2023 15:39

1694009696In pictures: Russian attack on the eastern Ukrainian city of Kostiantynivka

Pictures show the extent of the damage after Moscow hit the Ukrainian town of Kostiantynivka with missile strikes on Wednesday.

(Ministry of Internal Affairs of)



Maryam Zakir-Hussain6 September 2023 15:14

1694007288Sixteen killed in Russian strike on Ukraine city

At least 16 people were killed and dozens were wounded Wednesday when Russian shelling struck a market in a city in eastern Ukraine, officials said.

Associated Press journalists at the site of the attack in Kostiantynivka saw covered bodies on the ground and emergency workers extinguishing fires at market stalls, with blackened and mangled cars nearby.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said at least 16 people were killed. At least 28 were wounded, according to Internal Minister Ihor Klymenko.

Emergency service workers extinguished the fire that damaged about 30 pavilions at the outdoor market, Klymenko said. Crews searched the rubble for any trapped civilians.

Twenty shops, power lines, administrative building and the floor of an apartment building were damaged, according to the prosecutor general’s office.

The deadly attack came as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Kyiv and was expected to announce more than $1 billion in new American funding.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain6 September 2023 14:34

1694005248ICYMI: Wagner Group set to be declared a terrorist organisation

Russian mercenary group Wagner is set to be declared a terrorist organisation, as ministers condemned its “devastating” role across the world.

Defence secretary Grant Shapps defended the time it has taken to proscribe the group, ahead of a draft order being laid in parliament on Wednesday.

Matt Mathers6 September 2023 14:00

1694003448Romania says parts of Russian drone fell on its territory -media

Parts of a Russian drone fell on Romanian territory, Romanian defence minister Angel Tilvar said on Wednesday, the HotNews website reported citing Romanian broadcaster Antena 3 CNN.

Ukraine said on Monday that Russian drones had detonated on the territory of NATO member Romania during an overnight air strike on a Ukrainian port across the Danube River, but Bucharest denied then its territory had been hit.

“I confirm that pieces which might be the elements of a drone were found,” Tilvar said, according to HotNews.

He added the area was not evacuated because there was nothing to suggest that the parts posed a threat.

File photo: Russian cities and regions targeted by retaliatory drone strikes in 2023

(The Independent/Datawrapper)

Matt Mathers6 September 2023 13:30



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