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Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024

Russia must ‘step back’ from military action against Ukraine, warns PM – as Putin points finger of blame at US |

Ειδήσεις Ελλάδα

Boris Johnson has urged Russia to “step back” from any military action against Ukraine, saying the UK “stands shoulder to shoulder” with Kyiv – but Russia has blamed the US for escalating tensions.

During a news conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the prime minister said a Russian invasion would be a “political and humanitarian disaster” and a “military disaster as well”.

“Time is urgent,” he said, accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of “holding a gun, as it were, to the head of Ukraine” and of “intimidating” behaviour.

He also said Mr Putin was trying to undermine the “immense gains” that came about following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and wanted to “redraw the security map of Europe”.

Live updates as PM visits Kyiv ahead of crunch call with Putin

Multiple rocket launcher systems during Ukrainian drills

A series of “sanctions and other measures” is being prepared for when the “first Russian toecap crosses into Ukrainian territory”, the PM said.

“It is vital that Russia steps back and chooses a path of diplomacy, and I believe that is still possible,” he told reporters.

“We are keen to engage in dialogue, of course we are, but we have the sanctions ready, we’re proing military support, and we will also intensify our economic cooperation.”

Speaking at a separate news conference, Mr Putin claimed Washington was deliberately creating a scenario designed to lure Russia into a war.

During the news conference, Mr Zelenskyy admitted “we have to be prepared for bad things” and warned that any war would not be limited to Russia and Ukraine.

“This is going to be a European war. A full-fledged war,” he said.

“We are defending ourselves, we are defending our country,” said Mr Zelenskyy. “We are protecting our culture, language, traditions. And first and foremost, we are protecting our people.

“There will be high risks for anyone who will try to occupy even a bit of our territory. Very high risks.”

In a statement, Number 10 and Ukraine’s government warned that “any further Russian incursion in Ukraine would be a massive strategic mistake and have a stark humanitarian cost”.

Russia has placed more than 100,000 troops near its border with Ukraine, but Mr Putin has denied he is planning an attack.

Mr Johnson is due to have a phone call with the Russian president tomorrow.

Inside the secret base that proes Ukraine’s best hope of defence against Russia

Russian military vehicles pictured during drills in the Rostov region near Ukraine

Is Boris Johnson taken seriously?

The prime minister’s current partygate problems may be hindering his ability to deal with major matters like a possible invasion, the former head of MI6 told Sky News.

Sir John Sawers said: “You’ve got to have a government which is widely respected internationally, and when it’s facing this sort of domestic crisis at home it’s very hard to achieve respect abroad.”

Whether Mr Johnson is taken seriously overseas is “the question we have to face at the moment”, Sir John added.

He also said that while there is a “very serious risk of a Russian military move into Ukraine”, Mr Putin “may have overreached himself”.

Sir John commented: “There’s still a chance that Putin might back down – not a big chance, but still a possibility, and we should seek to maximise that if we possibly can.”

Yegor Chernev, a Ukrainian MP with the ruling Servant of the People party, told Sky News that Boris Johnson’s visit was a “signal for the Russian federation” because the “strong position of the UK shows Russia that their ultimatums will not achieve their goals”.

How many troops are ready to respond if the crisis escalates?

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‘This will be a full-fledged European war’

Putin: Solving tensions won’t be easy

In an earlier news conference, Mr Putin accused the West of ignoring Russia’s “fundamental” concerns and said its main security demands have not been satisfied.

It was the first time he has spoken publicly about Ukraine this year, and he blamed the US for the escalation in tensions.

Describing a possible scenario in which Ukraine joined NATO and then tried to retake the Crimea peninsula, he said: “Let’s imagine Ukraine is a NATO member and starts these military operations. Are we supposed to go to war with the NATO bloc? Has anyone given that any thought?”

Mr Putin went on to claim that Washington is less interested in Ukraine than it is with containing Russia. He said: “In this sense, Ukraine itself is just an instrument to achieve this goal.”

But he went on to say that he wants to avoid negative scenarios and that a way needs to be found to protect everyone’s security.

“I hope that we will eventually find a solution, although we realise that it’s not going to be easy,” he said.

Meanwhile, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said the EU is united and that no one wants a conflict with Russia.

Striking a more optimistic tone than other leaders following talks with Mr Putin, he said: “I got convinced today that the existing differences in positions can be bridged, and it is possible to sign an agreement that would guarantee peace, guarantee Russia’s security and is acceptable for NATO member states as well.”

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Satellite images indicate Russian troop build up

US reaction

Following the news conferences today, the Pentagon asserted that Mr Putin “doesn’t get to have a veto on Ukraine’s NATO aspirations”.

The White House said it is open to more talks with Russia and is also in talks with countries and suppliers about how to meet any shortage of natural gas if an invasion does happen.

Read more:’He absolutely will do it’: Why Putin seems poised to attack Ukraine – after one of surest signs yetWhy is Russia worried about NATO – and what does it have to do with Ukraine?



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