Home Υγεία Medium-Term Fiscal Structural Plan for 2025-2028: High growth rates

Medium-Term Fiscal Structural Plan for 2025-2028: High growth rates


Ειδήσεις Ελλάδα

The government will proceed with the submission of the Medium-Term Fiscal-Structural Plan 2025-2028 to the Commission with an additional margin to increase spending by 4 billion euros over the next 4 years, the commitment to maintain fiscal stability by reducing the debt just above the levels of 130% of GDP in 2028, maintaining high growth rates above the levels of 2% for in the two years 2024-2025 as well as interventions aimed at increasing incomes.

Based on the forecasts, the Medium-Term Fiscal-Structural Plan 2025-2028 proes for:

1. Growth rate at 2.2% and inflation at 2.8% in 2024, while nominal GDP will reach 232 billion euros from 220 billion euros in 2023. The debt is expected to reach 356.4 billion euros or 153.7% of GDP while the general government deficit will stand at 1%.

2. In 2025, a growth rate of 2.3% is predicted with GDP reaching 242 billion euros. The growth rate of expenditure is set at 3.7% from 3%, while a general government deficit of 0.6% is foreseen.

3. In 2026, growth is seen at 2%, debt at 143.1% and expenditure growth rate at 3.6% from 3.2%. The general government deficit will shrink to -0.6%.

4. In 2027, the GDP will reach 262.6 billion euros with a growth rate of 1.5%. The debt-to-GDP ratio will be limited to 138% and the growth rate of expenses by 3.1% or 3.28 billion euros.

5. In 2028, it is estimated that the debt-to-GDP ratio will drop to 133.4% with the general government deficit amounting to 1.2%. The growth rate of expenditure will be 3% or 3.2 billion euros.
