28 C
Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024

Heatwave in pictures: Wildfires across Europe, droughts and ice pops |

Ειδήσεις Ελλάδα

Europe is battling wildfires in countries including France, Spain and Greece with spiralling temperatures being blamed for the deaths of hundreds.


Temperatures in Spain reached as high as 45.7C during the heatwave that has lasted nearly a week. Spain’s weather agency said the heatwave would end on Monday, but temperatures have remained “abnormally high”.

Firefighters and armed forces have been tackling more than 30 forest fires spread across the country in the unusually extreme conditions. Helicopters dropped water to control the blaze but mountainous terrain has made it difficult.

At least 1,000 deaths have been linked to the heatwave in Spain and Portugal so far, but no fatalities have been fire-related.

People have also been cooling off at a fountain at Madrid Rio Park while animals at Madrid Zoo have been offered watermelon ice pops and an apple to stay cool.


France has issued red alerts and urged residents to be “extremely vigilant” as temperatures are expected to reach 40C.

Firefighters have struggled to contain wildfires in strong winds and hot, dry weather across pine forests in the Bordeaux region for a sixth straight day.

This is one of several wildfires scorching Europe this week and some 14,000 people have been forced to evacuate.

Pic: AP


Smaller fires have been blazing in Italy with temperatures expected to reach more than 40C in several parts of the country in the coming days.

Northern Italy faces the worst drought in 70 years with its longest river, the Po, near Turin drying up.

Elsewhere, people in Catania have enjoyed a dip in the sea during the second heatwave.


There have been dangerous blazes across Portugal.

The World Meteorological Organisation has issued health warnings as hot winds fill the air with smoke and ash from forest fires – with hundreds of people evacuated from their homes due to the air conditions.

Portugal’s health ministry said on Saturday that 659 people have died in the last week due to the heatwave – most of them elderly.

The country is also suffering from famine as 96% of the mainland was already in extreme drought before the heatwave, according to the national meteorological institute.


Shepherds rest on the Durmitor mountain in Montenegro where authorities have warned of extreme temperatures in the high 30s – and high 20s in the rest of the Balkans.


According to the local fire brigade on the island of Crete, a fire which surged through a forest farmland has been partially contained.

In total, 71 blazes broke out on Saturday within a 24-hour period.

The high temperatures and drought conditions have also heightened the risk of forest fires, according to civil protections officials.

People also gathered at Alimos beach in southern Greece as temperatures reached 40C.



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