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Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024

Computer chips, ships and supermoons: Eight stories you may have missed | UK News

Ειδήσεις Ελλάδα

From sleaze to a supermoon and Prince William to wasps… it’s been another busy week.

Did you manage to keep up?

Here we’ve pulled together eight of the week’s must-see stories on Sky News – just in case you missed any of them.

Designer drama

Accusations of sleaze and mystery donors have dominated, with Boris Johnson repeatedly questioned about where he got the money to turn his flat in Downing Street from Theresa May’s “John Lewis furniture nightmare” to a designer pad replete with “gold wall coverings”.

We still don’t have a clear answer to that crucial question with the Electoral Commission launching an investigation.

But what is the PM’s pad like? Find out here

Struggling to breathe in India

The acute COVID crisis that has thrown India into chaos show no signs of abating, with people begging in the streets for oxygen and victims dying in hospital doorways. Doctors say the situation is critical, warning the next two weeks are “going to be hell”.

Read Alex Crawford’s eyewitness report

100 days of President Biden

In the US, Joe Biden has been marking his 100th day as president, saying the country is turning peril into possibility. But how much has he achieved in his early days, and is he beginning to heal the deeply died nation?

See what he promised – and what he delivered

Oh captain, AI captain

There were plans announced for self-driving cars this week – but this autonomous ship is another level. It can read weather reports and steer clear of dangers without human intervention, so what are the implications for the global shipping industry?

Look at the ship without a captain

Chip crunch

Not those chips, computer chips. As your smart TV, phone, car, kettle, fridge, watch, pretty much everything, needs ever more sophisticated hardware; a global shortage of raw materials is threatening to slow production of, er, pretty much everything.

It’s explained here

Wasps are great

They may sting – but the benefits of wasps have been revealed in the first major scientific review of the ecosystem services they proe. Watch this to learn why.

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Why you should care about wasps

Happy anniversary!

William and Kate celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. So after three kids and a spot of family strife, see how much older they look here – and then listen to a special podcast.

Follow the Daily podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Spreaker

Pink Supermoon

It’s not pink, but it is super. This week the moon was at its biggest and brightest and we were treated to some incredible images around the world.

See the pictures, and find out why they call it pink



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