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Τρίτη, 24 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Co: Who has to self-isolate and for how long?

Ειδήσεις Ελλάδα

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The number of children in England self-isolating after someone in their school class or bubble tested positive has risen sharply.

At the moment anyone who tests positive for coronavirus or who may have been exposed to the disease must self-isolate for 10 days.

When do I need to self-isolate?

You have a legal obligation to self-isolate if:

Do I need to isolate if I’ve been vaccinated?

Yes, you still need to, even if you have had both Co jabs.

Although it’s unlikely (but not impossible) that you will develop any symptoms yourself, scientists are still not sure whether you could still carry the virus and spread it on.

What’s happening in schools?

Across the UK, schoolchildren have been placed in class or year group “bubbles”. If a pupil tests positive, the rest of the bubble must also self-isolate for ten days.

The latest official figures show that at least 279,000 children in England were self-isolating at home as a result of a positive case at school. That compares to 15,000 confirmed cases among pupils, and 24,000 suspected cases.

Only the child who might have been exposed to the disease has to self-isolate. Assuming no one in the family has any symptoms, their siblings can continue to go to school. Adults can also go to work, as long as the self-isolating child is cared for at home.

But many parents and teachers say that the level of disruption to children’s education – and to family life – is not justified. England’s Children’s Commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza wants the government to end the bubble system as soon as possible, to help get children “back to normal”.

The new Health Secretary Sajid Ja has pledged to address the issue. The Department for Education has already written to secondary schools in England asking them to prepare for a possible rule change after the summer break.

Will I be paid if I have to self-isolate?

A £500 grant is available in England to people on low incomes who have to self-isolate. This includes parents who cannot work because their child has to self-isolate.

You may also be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay, which is worth £96.35 a week, or more if your employer has a sick pay scheme.

What does self-isolation mean?

You should order online groceries, or ask friends or family to leave items outside your door.

No one from outside your household should come inside, unless you or a family member receive essential care in your home.

What are the rules if I have Co symptoms?

If you don’t have symptoms, but have tested positive, you must also self-isolate for at least 10 days. This starts from the day you took the test. If you subsequently develop symptoms you must restart your 10-day isolation.

What are the rules if I live with other people?

If you have symptoms or have tested positive, you need to keep your distance from other members of your household, and limit time spent in communal areas. You should keep windows open to improve ventilation.

If possible, you should sleep and eat in a different room, and use a separate bathroom. If you have to share, you should use it after everyone else and clean it thoroughly afterwards. You should avoid sharing towels.

If you live with someone who tests positive, you must also self-isolate, regardless of whether you have symptoms.

This means you must not leave the house for 10 days from the day they first became ill, or – if they have no symptoms – from the day they had a test.

If they or you subsequently display symptoms, you must start a new 10-day isolation period.

How are the rules enforced?

Anyone who does not self-isolate could be fined. In England, fines start at £1,000 and can increase up to £10,000 for repeat offences.

The government’s scientific advisory body, Sage, has highlighted research suggesting people on lower incomes are much less likely to feel able to self-isolate.

How do I self-isolate if I’ve travelled to the UK?

Travellers entering the UK from an amber list country must self-isolate for 10 days, with tests on days two and eight.

Arrivals from red list countries must self-isolate for 10 days in a government-approved quarantine hotel, which must be booked and paid for in advance.

If you have visited a country on the green list, you do not need to quarantine on your return to the UK, proed you have taken a test before travelling, filled out a passenger locator form and paid for a test two days after your return.

Some workers are exempt from having to quarantine. The full list includes bus, coach and lorry drivers and elite sportspeople.



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