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Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024

British embassy worker arrested in Germany accused of spying for Russia was security guard | UK News

Ειδήσεις Ελλάδα

A British embassy worker arrested in Germany on suspicion of spying for Russia is a private contractor who was employed as a security guard, Sky News understands.

The British national, named as Da S, was understood to have been monitored by the MI5.

Sky News knows the full name of the suspect but is not disclosing it for legal reasons.

He was detained in Potsdam over allegations that he had been working “for a foreign secret service”, the German public prosecutor said.

A statement from the German prosecutor said: “Until his arrest, Da S worked as a local employee at the British Embassy in Berlin.

“On at least one occasion he forwarded documents obtained in the course of his professional activities to a representative of a Russian intelligence service.

“In return for proing information, the accused received cash in a previously unknown amount.”

Sky’s Middle East correspondent Alistair Bunkall understands the man’s alleged activities “had been known about for some time” and he was being monitored by British security services.

Analysis by Alistair Bunkall, Middle East correspondent

The first thing to note is that the arrested man was a ‘local hire’ at the embassy in Berlin, which means he wasn’t a diplomat – his access to high-level information would have therefore been limited but not inconsequential.

Depending on his actual job, he could still proe valuable intel to Russia: information on security protocols at the embassy, details of the internal Wi-Fi network, profiles of senior diplomats and their families, and possibly even names of MI6 officers stationed in Berlin.

Even seemingly mundane information can help a foreign intelligence service build a picture of an adversary and proe the keys to access more sensitive data.

I understand that his alleged activities were known about for some time and he’d been monitored by MI5 – this wasn’t a snap arrest by German authorities. It’s been described to me as an “intelligence-led operation” meaning that investigators took their time gathering eence and building a case against him.

Depending on what the man’s job was, and how long he was allegedly employed as a Russian agent, this will be of some embarrassment to the British government, so I wouldn’t be surprised if his role is played down.

If the allegations are proven to be true, for Russia it would be bittersweet – on the one hand they will enjoy the kudos of having recruited someone inside the British Embassy but at the same time they have lost their source and future access to whatever information he was able to proe.

The arrest is the result of a joint investigation by German and British authorities and was not a “snap arrest”, according to Bunkall.

Investigators have searched his home and office, the prosecutor’s statement said.

Germany’s foreign ministry said it was taking the case “very seriously” and that spying on allied states on German soil is unacceptable.

The Metropolitan Police said the 57-year-old had been arrested “on suspicion of committing offences relating to being engaged in ‘Intelligence Agent activity’ (under German law)”.

The force’s counter terrorism command is responsible for investigating alleged breaches of the Official Secrets Act.

Da S is expected to appear at the Federal Court of Justice in Germany later.

A UK government spokesperson said: “An indiual who was contracted to work for the government was arrested yesterday by the German authorities.

“It would not be appropriate to comment further as there is an ongoing police investigation.”

Labour said the arrest raised “questions” over who is in charge of security issues in government.

The security minister post has been vacant for more than a month after James Brokenshire stepped down to focus on his cancer recovery.

Shadow security minister Conor McGinn said: “Britain’s national security is under threat 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but the UK has not had a security minister in position for over a month.

“Following today’s events, it raises questions about who in Government is overseeing the most serious task of keeping the British public safe and secure.”

Conservative chairman of the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee Tom Tugendhat said the British national arrested in Berlin on suspicion of spying for Russia appeared to be “relatively low down” in rank.

“We are not talking about some sort of Kim Philby-type story. We are talking about somebody relatively low down on the rank of the ladder who has clearly made some very unwise decisions and has possibly even betrayed their country and is now, we don’t know, but he may be a traitor,” he told BBC Radio 4’s PM programme.

“Let’s wait and see what the court case gives us and what the intelligence secures but I have to say, it is a pretty impressive piece of co-operation if our intelligence services and the German intelligence services have been effectively watching him for a year or so.

“(They have) probably picked up a lot more useful intelligence about how the Russians are operating in Berlin.”

Kim Philby was a British spy who defected to the Soviet Union.

An MI6 officer and Soviet agent, Mr Philby was a member of the infamous Cambridge Five group of spies and fed secrets to the Kremlin throughout the 1940s and 50s before he defected to the USSR in 1963.



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